1. What is Student generated content?

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For colleges and universities, this is any content created by your students, teachers and staff, graduates and even parents. Content created and shared online usually are: Blogs, Videos, Tweets and Status Updates, Photos, Instagrams, Reviews, Podcasts.

Student-generated content has long been an integral part of the teaching process. Student-generated work products such as paper, essay, laboratory reports are commonly used to perform tasks, prepare for testing, or otherwise help to understand or understand knowledge. Student-generated content, however, is generally used for a very limited purpose to demonstrate that students have mastered content that they have chosen and created by others. Student work products are often seen by only two people - a student and a teacher - and they are often regarded as having a practical value in most academic subjects when they are evaluated and assessed.

Not all student-generated content used only to a limited extent. Architecture, arts and design education, student content has long played a more important role in educational activities. Student performances, such as concerts, recitals, poetry readings and drama, are more of a reflection of students than of knowledge that needs to be understood. Student-generated content varies greatly according to the topics. For example, students create almost all content in arts courses in elementary schools, and almost no one sees them in math courses. Its importance also depends on the age and experience of the learners for the reasons explained below.

Student-generated content is also increasingly recognized in other respects. More and more higher education institutions are implementing e-learning. Portfolios that generally allow students to store the content they create. However, this is often considered a more student-oriented function than instructional. Student-generated content is also increasingly used for marketing purposes, especially as a way to lend a sense of authenticity to college and university web sites[1].

Student-generated content promotes a digital learning environment in which students are content producers and users, while working together, collaborating and sharing their work with other students. Meanwhile, the lecturer deals with the role of mediator in encouraging students to look for a deeper understanding of the subject through discussions and analysis at seminars. Students need a multitude of cognitive disciplines to successfully filter the subject's reading material and determine the content useful for: presenting to their peers; peer assessment; and course exam.

Student products can be useful as a durable product in several ways - for future students (e.g., creating learning resources), for the community (e.g., using student work to create truly useful products) and for students themselves (e.g., adding to portfolios as a tool for improvement learning experience). For example, student content was used to create magazine articles, news articles and other publications, as well as professional products.

Student-generated content is the content that students created or discovered in their learning activities. Content of this type has always been in the learning process, but using web-based tools such as blogs, the last stop of student-generated content is no longer a teacher, but a wide audience, an audience that can exchange ideas or evaluate and evaluate the work of their colleagues. However, it's important to note that content created by students includes not only the student adverts in non-targeting blogs, especially when students write skills are weak or are in the early stages of the learning cycle. In addition, some students may not want their work to be public without the teacher's assurance. Therefore, it is important that the process by which learners create the learning content would be subject to an appropriate quality control mechanism.

There are several main reasons not only for creating content but also for sharing. The first reason for sharing content is to increase student motivation level. If students have to interact with a wider audience, they will be motivated to be careful about what they write, which will allow them to perform higher quality work. The second reason is to help students acquire "21st century skills" such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication and informational literacy. The third - student-generated content can become a valuable learning resource for other students.

Blogs can be used in a variety of ways to help share student-created content. As mentioned, it is important that the content passes the quality control mechanisms until it is shared. Blogs can play an important role in these mechanisms. They can be used to present the content created by the teacher, for example, texts, worksheets, ratings, etc., which are used by students to lead the learning process. In addition, blog comment function can be used to support learner activities. Notes can also be used to show students their content. For example, a blog post may include learning activities that require students to submit their work as a comment. Teachers can moderate these posts to ensure that student content is acceptable both in terms of content and quality.

Another use of blogs is to encourage students to keep their blogs. Although the function of comments generated by lecturers is useful for presenting opinions on short works. When students have more work in one semester, it would be better if students post this work to their blogs and should comment on their peers.

By sharing student generated content - blogs, presenting short annotations or individual student blogs, student content becomes a valuable source of learning for other students, motivating them to give them an audience, giving them a sense of ownership and participation in the learning process, and creating a greater sense of community[2].

As far as online training is concerned, teachers face challenges related to teaching, student inclusion and integrity. As students develop content, they can address challenges[3]:

1. Instructions for students. To get the best results, it's important to explain why you are asking students to create content and provide detailed instructions.

2. Student's written learning outcomes, classroom notes. This could be another approach to student generated content in traditional or online courses. Students can create learning objectives for each topic or task.

3. Student quiz questions. One way in which students can generate content is that they participate in the development of ratings by writing questions for the quiz. With students writing questions for the quiz, you can increase the course questions bank, which reduces the likelihood of cheating. In addition, it could can include learners in a way that improves their learning experience.