5. Case on “Using Distributed Cognition Theory to Analyze Collaborative Computer Science Learning

Studies on student computer-based learning usually research how individuals can create concepts and skills, but many forms of computer science learning ranging from peer-to-robotic contests include group work that is not just an individual learning trait. We need theories and methods to understand learning in cognitive systems: student groups, teachers and tool groups based on culture and history. Therefore, the case is based on the theory of Distributed Cognition by Hutchins in order to present a qualitative analysis of situations by analyzing interactions and learning in a small group of secondary school students that programs computer music. The presented case analysis shows how the system of students, teachers and instruments working in the music class can perform the conceptually required computing programming. The analysis show steps how the system works:
  1. based on the knowledge of the individual; 
  2. using physical and virtual means of organizing work, organizing work, communicating knowledge and shaping new needs in solving problems; 
  3. transform the relationships between individuals and tools over time, as the focus of the problem is changing.