Unit 4. Producing and Reusing OERS for Virtual Mobility

Assignment 6 – Planning the Production of an OER in a Virtual Mobility context

Aim of the assignment
Having completed this assignment, you will be able to plan the use of OERs in a virtual mobility context.

[9:45-10:30] Part 1 – International Group work

  1. Write a plan to produce an open educational resource on the topic of your VM course module.
  2. The plan should include the purpose and context of use, target groups, 5 keywords, media (text, presentation, audio, video, mashup, etc.), tools/services or and type of open licensing.
  3. [11:00-11:30] Part 2 – Presentation of international group work

The result expected
After undertaking these tasks, you will have developed skills to plan the production of OERs in a virtual mobility context.

Some resources can be modified, adapted, remixed and re-used and redistributed.  In some cases they are modular, allowing the users to modify some parts and re-mixed, using other combinations to address other learning outcomes or learning activities. These interventions could be done by the author or by the users of the OER and with ICT tools. Use this Introductory Guide [How to Search for Open Educational Resourceshttp://elearninginfographics.com/how-to-search-for-open-educational-resources-infographic/] and this video [

] to  support your needs and guide your journey.

The resources with Creative Common Licences allow reuse and redistribution. Be careful: all resources licensed with "no derivatives“ (ND) cannot be modified or adapted.  Also ensure that you correctly attribute this content to its creator and otherwise meet the terms of the license under which the resource is shared/published.  More information about this at: https://creativecommons.org/videos/wanna-work-together