Unit 3. Using OERs in a Virtual Mobility Context course

This unit  focus the use of OERs in Virtual Mobility and use a resource in its original form.

  • use an OER in a VM context

With Assignment 5 you will be able to apply some guidelines use an OER and integrate it in an OER VM context

There is an enormous abundance of OERs.  Some resources and materials may only be used in the original form. So, after searching in the repositories, collections, institutional initiatives and others sources that store open content, you can find what you need.

There are 5 possible ways of using OER:

  • To enhance an existing course or offering by adding OER
  • To improve existing materials by replacing it with OER
  • To create new part of materials by remixing or re-purposing OER
  • To create new courses by using, adapting and repurposing OER
    Use students to generate OER