Final task 3 - for international groups. You have 2 weeks to implement this task

Geöffnet: Wednesday, 20. November 2013, 00:00
Fällig: Wednesday, 4. December 2013, 23:00

“Challenges and perspectives for OER development and re-use. Recommendations for uptake of OER”.

In order to implement this assignment, group members should organise focus group or interview people in their home institutions (teachers, e-learning staff members, HE students, stakeholders, etc. – up to 5-10 people) to provide answers to these questions to their group members, and then they all have to provide the summary of responses (qualitative data might be provided as evidence) and group results in international settings (Lithuania, Spain, Italy and Portugal). Recommendations as conclusions to the discussion and qualitative survey should come up after the group results are presented.

The results should be presented in a ppt using slideshare upload, and the link to the presentation should be attached to the assignment in Moodle. Qualitative data, if available (as a report).

The following questions are suggested as guidelines for the group quantitative survey and discussion items are suggested:

-          How to create use engagement to increase re-use and development of OER in collaborative settings?

-          Why do you think people hesitate to create and share OER?

-          Which tools allow/ do not allow to re-use and modify OER?

-          What context would help users to start collaborating on idea development already? In an early stage of OER development?

-          How would you explain the emotional relationships between the creator of OER and his/her collaborators and the artefacts that they create?

-          Prof. J. Pawlowski argues that collaborative OER development can be fostered by creating „emotional ownership“ of the process and the artefact. „Emotional ownership“ might be created accidentally or intentionally, depending upon the management of collaborative process and consciousness of collaborators. When do you think intentional and conscious feeling of „emotional ownership“ can be better created? Under which conditions?

If these questions seem too much sophisticated to you for interviews and focus groups, you might wish to use rather these:

–        Have you used OER for learning or teaching?

–        What does it take that you feel ownership for something (teaching materials, essay, idea, …)

–        Who would you share your ideas with?

–        How to best express new ideas and innovations?

–        Where would you share?

–        Which tools would you use?