Lýsing á efni

  • Aim of the Learning Module / Learning Outcome

    Course general objectives: ... is to learn about processes, methods and the application of tools to be able to continuously analyze and improve the work (sphere of influence) and make product/processes more efficient and lean as well as considering cost relevant factors.

    In addition to that the students should be able to learn how to utilize the material / processes / organization in a cost effective way, how to efficiently utilize working time and how to identify potential savings. 

    • Definition of quality success factors in a company and the relationship among them.
    • Description of major elements of Total Quality Management, the alignment with the quality objective and causal relationships.
    • Description and application of state of the art quality concept. “Continuous Improvement Process” and “Lean Concept”.
    • Description and application of a selected set of tools, supporting the continuous improvement process and lean management concepts.
    • Definition and application of 2 types of cost models, classification of cost factors and linkage to the working areas in day to day business.

     Competences to be achieved when enrolling this course: The major competences which have to be achieved are the abilities to apply the concepts of „Continuous Improvement Process (CIP/KAIZEN)” and „Lean Management”. Therefore a sound knowledge of success factors of quality, Total Quality Management and tools which support those concepts is of fundamental importance. Cost drivers are going to be detected and defined which are caused by wastage and inefficiencies.

    Start:  March 2nd, 2015 (CW 10)

    End:   April 4th, 2015 (CW 14)

    Duration: 5 weeks, 14 teaching units (tu)

    Tutoring hours: 3 x 30 min. online (Question&Answers; e-Mail; Conference Call)

                 10.03.2015; 06:00 p.m. CET

                 26.03.2015; 06:00 p.m. CET

                 02.04.2015; 06:00 p.m. CET

    • Course announcements and ongoing information will be posted here. Please feel free to respond.

  • Course Content - Glossary - WIKI

    Chapter 1: Introduction Quality Management - available beginning from 02.03.2015
    Chapter 2: Total Quality Management - available beginning from 05.03.2015
    Chapter 3: Quality Driven Improvement Strategies - available beginning from 10.03.2015
    Chapter 4: Quality Toolbox - available beginning from 17.03.2015
    Chapter 5: Quality Related costs - available beginning from 24.03.2015
  • Chapter 1: Introduction Quality Management

    Definition of quality success factors in a company and the realationship among them.

    Enables to ...

    • explain and define the process quality as requirement for product quality
    • explain the context of quality, price and delivery time as success factors for the company and sphere of influence
    • list and explain possible consequences (financial, loss of clients, market shares…) if quality management fails
  • Chapter 2: Total Quality Management (TQM)

    Description of major elements of Total Quality Management, the alignment with the quality objective and causal relationships.

    Enables to ...

    • classify and define the elements of TQM
    • list and explain the key aspects of TQM
    • list the 5 elements of the TQM value adding model and explain the causal relationships
  • Chapter 3: Quality Driven Improvement Strategies (CIP, Lean Management)

    Description and application of state of the art quality concepts. “Continuous Improvement Process” and “Lean Concept”.

    Enables to …

    • define and explain the philosophy of “Continuous Improvement Process (CIP/KAIZEN)”, it‘s basic assumptions, goals and approach for practical implementation
    • describe the 4 steps of the PDCA cycle
    • apply the PDCA cycle based on case study
    • explain the difference between innovation and CIP
    • define and explain the philosophy of “Lean Concept”, it‘s basic assumptions, goals and approach for practical implementation
    • list 7 types of wastage and explain how to detect and reduce it in your sphere of influence
  • Chapter 5: Quality - Related Costs

    Definition and application of 2 types of cost models, classification of cost factors and linkage to the working areas in day to day business.

    Enables to ...

    • list several types of quality-related costs
    • deduce classic versus modern cost breakdown
    • explain the 2 types of cost models and explain the main advantages and disadvantages between them
    • list and explain the elements of inefficiencies causing costs
    • draw the cost graph of traditional and modern outline and explain the characteristics
  • Homework

    The homework for the students is a linkage of the topics presented in this course.

  • References - Books - Videolinks

  • Viðfangsefni 9
