Fostering the Virtual Mobility within the Metal Sector

No. 2013-1-ES1-LEO05-67974


Project partners:


Course image 3.1. Visual planning

This module will provide you with an insight of visual planning. 


Course image 3. Modular product architecture

This module will provide you with an insight of modular product architecture.


Course image 5. Practice of provisioning for production scheduling

This module will help you to plan the material goods and the capacity of manufacturing resources in the production by machining:

  • identifying basic concepts of production management.
  • developing MRP I and MRP II systematics: Material Requirements and Manufacturing Resources Planning


Course image 2. Quality and production management: cost reduction

Course general objectives: ... is to learn about processes, methods and the application of tools to be able to continuously analyze and improve the work (sphere of influence) and make product/processes more efficient and lean as well as considering cost relevant factors.

Course image 4. ICT, WEB 2.0 & SW For Metal Sector

This Module will enlighten you in some of the aspects related to Web 2.0 technologies and their extensions needed for your working life in the sector, together with giving you some information about efficient use of software in metal sector. Efficient use of software is also linked to Web 2.0 infrastructure, which allows you to locate the appropriate one by facilitating your search with others’ input.


Course image 1. Professional technical English

Basic Speaking Skills in English for workers in the technical sector and metal sector
